Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The Japanese Music

The japanese music follow the japan's hystory. 演歌

At the beginnig the traditional japanese music (hôgaku) was an art for some accompagny some religious dances (kagura). At this time the instruments were primitives.

In the 5th century Japan begin to be oppened to the asiatic continent, some chinese and corean musicien came and show some different kind of music to the imperial court. And some times later was born the original court music (gagaku) and popular music (sarugaku).

During the medieval periode (12th to 16th cnetury) the Samouraï leave the original court music to be interested in the popular music. Then during the Edo area (1603-1868) this kind of music has been developed and took a national impact thanks to new instruments coming from China : the shamisen (a kind of luth) and the shakuhachi (a kind of flute), and the theatral music (nôgaku).

With the Meïji (1868) area Japan opened his door the the occidental world and his musical influence. But it is only in 1920 that the jpanese musiciens begin to play occidental instrument like piano or violin.

Today Japan show again an important interest in the traditional music because of a problem of there own identity. So now there're some study class of traditional japanese music in japanese university.

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