Thursday, 4 June 2009


The Gipsy Story

The Gypsies, or Roms, are native from North of India, the various tribes which composed these people emigrated towards the Middle East and Central Asia, before becoming established in Europe. As many nomadic people, a big part of their history is based on and passed by the music.

The gypsy music indicates their music, popular music of Bohemia and Hungary. Their music is usually interpreted on occasions like name-days or ceremonies. By virtue of their origin or of their host country, this music possesses numerous facets. The gypsy musicians, remote from academies, developed, for every instrument, a familar way to play which conjugates very often speed of execution and improvisations.

Often multi-instrumentalist and amateur stringed-instrument maker, the gypsy musicians also have the reputation to possess a vast directory and a big capacity of improvisation. The gypsy music began to leak out throught the classic works of two big composers, Franz Liszt and Johannes Brahms. We find the gypsy music in the popular music of the Eastern Europe or in Russia. Russia where the gypsy artists have, for a long time, been the favourites of the Tsar's Court.

The gypsy music was noticed in the Western Europe through the jazz gipsy, whose the most known artist is doubtless Django Reinhardt.

One of the most known song of Django Reinhardt

The Gipsy Music

The jazz gipsy have been influenced by rhythmic as the waltz, in the origins, the rumba, the bolero, or still, the tango.

The gipsy rhythm is often accompanied with movement, with setback and with the other stylistic devices. All this allowing to emphasize the soloist or to enrich the harmony and the rhythm of the piece.

Originally, the jazz gipsy was played with violin ( 2 mostly), clarinet, double bass ( with 3 ropes), guitar and cymbalo. With the time, other instruments came to complete(it), as the accordion or still the saxophone.

This variety of instrument allows them to navigate between the folk music, the music jazz and the classical music.

All the instrument are presented in the following articles

The Violin

THE violin, known every where, symbol of the gyspy music, of the evasion of the mind.

The Clarinet

The little one, but not the less important.

the Double bass

Classic instrument, from classic music to jazz music.

The guitar

THE symbol of this music,

Guitars gipsies are mainly and traditionally Selmer-Maccaferri's guitars. They are French guitars dating for the beginning and the middle of the XX ° century with steel ropes. Mostly, Argentine model.

The Cymbalum

A big one, unknown but always there

The accordion

THE famous accordion, well know like a frenchy symbole,
an essential instrument of the gypsy music as we know it


And,now, the last but not the least